When Culture Sails: Burning Down the Sailboat Method!

A humorous depiction of a model sailboat engulfed in flames, symbolizing the clash between culture and strategy.

Ahoy, dear readers! Welcome aboard the HMS Cultural Conundrum, where we’ll embark on a hilariously turbulent voyage through the stormy seas of corporate mishaps and the infamous sailboat method. As the CDO at a mid-sized company in the door industry, I’ve witnessed my fair share of quirky strategies and culture clashes. So, grab your life jackets, because today, we’re setting sail on the high seas of “Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast!”

Scene 1: The Unforgettable Introduction of the Sailboat Method

Picture this: A conference room adorned with nautical decor, complete with a model sailboat as the centerpiece. As the room buzzes with excitement, I stand before my crew, ready to unveil the majestic “S.S. Success Strategy.” Little did we know that this method would become the legendary tale of our worst project ever.

Scene 2: A Storm is Brewing: Setting Sail with the Sailboat Method

With all hands on deck, we launched our sailboat method. It was like sending our corporate dreams on a maiden voyage across the treacherous seas of strategic planning. Each sail represented a crucial component: Wind (opportunities), Anchor (challenges), Destination (goal), and of course, the Iceberg (potential risks).

CDO Inner Monologue: “Wind? Check. Anchor? Check. Destination? Check. Iceberg? Wait, is that a metaphor for our impending doom?”

Scene 3: Culture vs. Strategy Smackdown

As the sailboat glided through the calm waters of initial enthusiasm, we felt like true captains of our fate. But alas, as soon as the winds shifted and the challenges arose, our culture, like a mischievous mermaid, began to gnaw at the very foundation of our strategy.

CDO Thought Bubble: “Note to self: Next time, hire a cultural anthropologist to deal with the mermaids.”

Scene 4: When Culture Decides to Have Breakfast

The storm hit us with the force of a thousand fax machines trying to connect to the internet simultaneously. Our culture, like a ravenous kraken, began feasting on our strategy buffet. Meetings turned into chaotic potlucks of opinions, and the sailboat, once a symbol of unity, started resembling a floating battleground.

CDO Diary Entry: “Day 26: Tried to untangle a heated debate about whether the sailboat’s anchor was gluten-free. We need a bigger boat.”

Scene 5: Going Down with the Ship… Literally

As tensions reached a boiling point, the inevitable happened. Our once-promising sailboat strategy hit an iceberg of epic proportions: miscommunication. The ship was sinking faster than a motivational speech at a Monday morning meeting.

CDO SOS Message: “Mayday, mayday! Our ship is sinking, and the only lifebuoy we have is a cultural sensitivity training manual. Send help, or at least some waterproof cookies!”

Scene 6: The Grand Finale: A Burning Sailboat Model

And so, dear readers, we arrive at the climax of our misadventure. As a visual representation of our ill-fated sailboat strategy, we proudly present: the Burning Sailboat Model Extravaganza! (Cue dramatic music.)

CDO Live Commentary: “Behold, the spectacular demise of our strategic masterpiece! It’s like the Titanic, but with less romance and more office drama.”

Epilogue: Lessons from the Ashes

As the flames flicker and the ashes settle, we emerge from this fiery fiasco with a newfound wisdom. Culture might indeed eat strategy for breakfast, but perhaps it’s time for us to whip up a cultural omelette that’s not only tasty but also nutritious for our business endeavors.

So, my fellow sailors of the corporate sea, let this tale of the Burning Sailboat Model be a reminder that while strategies may come and go, a strong and cohesive culture is the true compass that guides us through even the stormiest waters.

Until next time, may your doors be open, your anchors secure, and your sailboats fireproof!

Disclaimer: No actual sailboats or cultural sensitivities were harmed in the making of this blog post. The burning sailboat model was purely metaphorical and done in a controlled, safe environment. Please don’t try this at your office!

CRM Integration for a Leading Door Manufacturer – Streamlining Sales and Customer Service Processes

Group of people entering modern office building through minimalist door after CRM integration project

We helped a door manufacturer streamline their sales processes and increase their efficiency by integrating a CRM system. Our team worked closely with the manufacturer’s sales team to identify their specific needs and ensure the system met their requirements. The new system allowed for improved lead tracking and reporting, resulting in better customer relationships and increased sales.

Project Scope

  • Conducted a needs assessment and developed a tailored solution for the manufacturer’s sales team
  • Conducted research on available CRM systems and selected the best fit for the client’s needs
  • Customized the chosen CRM system to align with the manufacturer’s sales processes
  • Trained the sales team on the new system and provided ongoing support
  • Provided recommendations for future improvements to the system to further increase efficiency and effectiveness

Project Outcome

  • Improved lead tracking and reporting, resulting in better customer relationships and increased sales
  • Streamlined sales processes and increased efficiency
  • Improved data accuracy and accessibility
  • Improved overall customer experience with the manufacturer

How to define KPIs for Digital Transformation

Choosing the right path: A person at a crossroads with stunning beaches and towering mountains in the background


In today’s digital world, measuring and tracking business performance has become more important than ever before. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) play a critical role in this process, providing a way to measure progress towards business goals and objectives. However, defining and using KPIs effectively can be a challenge for many businesses. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to define successful KPIs for digital transformation.

Part 1: Understanding KPIs

Before we dive into how to define KPIs for digital transformation, let’s start with the basics. KPIs are measurable values that help businesses track progress towards achieving specific goals and objectives. They can be used to measure various aspects of business performance, including sales, marketing, customer satisfaction, and more.

Part 2: Defining Successful KPIs

To define successful KPIs for digital transformation, it’s important to start with a clear understanding of your business objectives. This involves identifying the specific goals you want to achieve, as well as the metrics that will help you measure progress towards those goals.


you’ll need to determine the key performance indicators that will provide the most insight into your business performance. This involves selecting KPIs that are relevant, measurable, and achievable. It’s important to focus on a small number of KPIs that provide the most valuable insights, rather than trying to track too many metrics.

Part 3: Using KPIs for Digital Transformation

Once you’ve defined your KPIs, it’s important to use them effectively to drive business success. This involves regularly tracking and analyzing your KPI data, as well as using this data to inform business decisions and strategies. It’s also important to communicate KPI data effectively throughout the organization, ensuring that all stakeholders understand the metrics being tracked and how they relate to business goals.


Defining successful KPIs for digital transformation can be a challenge, but by following the steps outlined in this blog post, businesses can ensure that they are measuring the right metrics and using KPI data effectively to drive business success. With a clear understanding of business objectives and the right KPIs in place, businesses can make data-driven decisions and achieve their goals more efficiently.

If that was too theoretical. You can find a real project of mine here Unlocking the Power of Data in the Door Industry.

Implementing Process Mining with UiPath for a Fast-Growing Mid-sized Company

Optimize business processes with Process Mining using UiPath. Image shows a flow represented through geometric shapes suggesting movement and direction. Blue and green colors evoke efficiency, with a pop of orange.

As a consultant for digital projects, we are proposing a project to implement Process Mining with UiPath for a fast-growing mid-sized company founded in 2000. The company has been experiencing significant growth and managing their business processes has become increasingly challenging. This project aims to help the company improve their process efficiency, identify bottlenecks and reduce costs through the utilization of Process Mining techniques with UiPath.


  1. To identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the company’s business processes
  2. To optimize the identified processes for improved efficiency, reduced errors and reduced costs
  3. To increase transparency and visibility of the company’s business processes
  4. To implement a culture of continuous process improvement


  1. Discovery Phase: Our team will work with the company’s stakeholders to identify critical business processes and map out the process flows. We will collect data and utilize UiPath Process Mining to create process models that illustrate the actual process flows and identify any inefficiencies or bottlenecks.
  2. Analysis Phase: Our team will analyze the process models and identify potential areas for improvement. We will use UiPath Process Mining to compare actual process flows with the desired outcomes and identify any deviations. We will work with the company’s stakeholders to prioritize areas for improvement and develop a plan to implement changes.
  3. Implementation Phase: Our team will work with the company’s IT team to implement process changes using UiPath automation. We will also train the company’s employees on the new processes and provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition.
  4. Continuous Improvement Phase: Our team will work with the company to establish a culture of continuous process improvement. We will monitor the implemented processes and use UiPath Process Mining to identify areas for further optimization.


  1. Process models that illustrate the current state of critical business processes
  2. Recommendations for process improvement, prioritized by impact and feasibility
  3. Implementation plan for process changes
  4. Training materials and sessions for employees
  5. Ongoing support to ensure successful implementation and continuous improvement

Timeline 6-8 months

  1. Discovery Phase: 2-3 months
  2. Analysis Phase: 2-3 months
  3. Implementation Phase: 1-2 months
  4. Continuous Improvement Phase: Ongoing


This project aims to help the fast-growing mid-sized company improve their process efficiency, reduce errors and minimize costs through the utilization of Process Mining with UiPath. By streamlining their business processes, the company can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and minimize costs. The project will also increase process transparency and visibility, enabling better decision-making. Our team will work closely with the company to ensure successful implementation and continuous improvement.

Driving Business Success with Comprehensive Digital Marketing and Data-Driven Insights.

Multi-layer steel rope with glass fiber core pulling the digital world, representing our comprehensive digital marketing and PIM Akeneo solutions driving business success.

Our client is an international manufacturing company that specializes in the production and supply of wire ropes, lifting and lashing equipment, and timber and steel structures. The company operates in various industries, including construction, infrastructure, mining, forestry, and renewable energy. The company’s target groups are diverse and complex due to the industries, languages, subsidiaries, and the resulting complex product data structure.


The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, define KPIs for business success, implement a PIM Akeneo solution to optimize the company’s product data management, and create data visualizations in DataStudio to monitor and analyze the company’s marketing performance.

Scope: The project will consist of the following phases:

  1. Needs Assessment and Analysis: In this phase, we will conduct a thorough analysis of the company’s marketing practices, customer base, target groups, product data structure, and existing PIM solutions. We will also assess the company’s digital presence and branding to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Digital Marketing Strategy Development: Based on the findings from the analysis, we will develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that outlines the company’s objectives, target audience, messaging, channels, and tactics. We will also develop a content marketing plan that aligns with the overall strategy.
  3. KPI Definition: We will work with the client to define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the company’s business objectives and marketing strategy. The KPIs will be defined for each channel and tactic, and we will create a dashboard to monitor performance.
  4. Data Visualization: Using DataStudio, we will create a dashboard that visualizes the KPI data in a clear and concise manner. The dashboard will include interactive charts, tables, and graphs that allow the client to monitor performance in real-time and make data-driven decisions.
  5. PIM Akeneo Implementation: To optimize the company’s product data management, we will implement a PIM Akeneo solution. This will allow the client to centralize and manage their product data across multiple channels and subsidiaries. The PIM solution will be customized to meet the specific needs of the client, and we will provide training and support to ensure a smooth transition.


By developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, defining KPIs for business success, implementing a PIM Akeneo solution, and creating data visualizations in DataStudio, we will help our client improve their marketing effectiveness and make data-driven decisions. The project will be completed within the agreed timeline and budget, and we will provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the success of the solution.

Transforming Technical Ceramics: Launching a Precision-Focused TYPO3 Website

A chess king made of technical ceramics, in pure white with very fine red accents, symbolizing the precision and quality of the company's products. The image is featured on the redesigned website, launched to align with the parent company's branding and content guidelines.

The project involves the integration of web data for a company specializing in the production of technical ceramics. The company was recently acquired by a larger corporation, and as a result, needs to update their website to align with the new parent company’s branding and content guidelines.

The project included following steps:

  1. Analysis: The project team will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company’s existing website content and structure, as well as the parent company’s branding and content guidelines. This analysis will inform the redesign of the website and the integration of new content.
  2. Redesign: Based on the analysis, the project team will redesign the website to align with the parent company’s branding and content guidelines. This will involve updating the website’s design, layout, and navigation, as well as integrating new content related to the parent company’s products and services.
  3. Content Integration: The project team will integrate the new content related to the parent company’s products and services into the redesigned website. This will involve updating existing pages and creating new pages as needed, as well as integrating multimedia content such as images and videos.
  4. Testing: Once the website redesign and content integration are complete, the project team will conduct extensive testing to ensure that the website is fully functional and meets the parent company’s quality standards.
  5. Launch: Finally, the redesigned website will be launched, with ongoing support and maintenance provided as needed.

Example Project

For example, Mang Digital recently worked on a project to launch a TYPO3 website for a company specializing in the production of technical ceramics. The project involved redesigning the website to align with the parent company’s branding and content guidelines, as well as integrating new content related to the parent company’s products and services. Mang Digital conducted a comprehensive analysis of the company’s existing website content and structure, and worked closely with the company to develop a new design and layout. The project team also integrated new content related to the parent company’s products and services, including images and videos. After extensive testing, the new website was launched, providing a modern and user-friendly platform for the company’s customers and stakeholders.

Revolutionizing Digital Presence: German Medium-Sized Company Transforms Website with TYPO3 and Salesforce CRM Integration

Futuristic industrial building with blue rotor centrifugal crusher in action, crushing a washing machine on a conveyor belt

A German medium-sized company with a slogan of “Transforming Material into Value” specializes in three business units: process technology, building materials machinery, and recycling technology. Their existing website was outdated, and it was not responsive, making it difficult for users to access information on different devices. Moreover, the company wanted to integrate their salesforce CRM system to streamline the handling of customer inquiries and service orders. Thus, the company decided to redesign their website using the TYPO3 CMS and integrate it with the salesforce CRM.


  • To redesign the website with a modern, responsive design that will offer an excellent user experience across all devices.
  • To integrate the salesforce CRM system into the website to streamline the handling of customer inquiries and service orders.
  • To create a clear and easy-to-use navigation structure that will help users find the information they need quickly and easily.
  • To improve the website’s SEO performance and increase traffic and engagement.


  • Ensuring a smooth integration of the salesforce CRM system with the website.
  • Creating a responsive design that works across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Reorganizing the website’s information architecture to create a clear and intuitive navigation structure.
  • Ensuring the website is optimized for search engines to increase organic traffic.


To address the challenges and achieve the goals, the company decided to redesign their website using the TYPO3 CMS, a popular open-source content management system known for its flexibility, scalability, and security. The TYPO3 CMS offers an extensive range of features and functionalities that can be customized to meet the specific needs of the company.

The website relaunch included the following steps:

  1. Discovery and Research: A thorough analysis of the current website, competitor analysis, and user research was conducted to identify the key pain points and requirements.
  2. Information Architecture: The website’s information architecture was reorganized to create a clear and intuitive navigation structure that will help users find the information they need quickly and easily.
  3. Design: A modern, responsive design was created that reflects the company’s brand identity and offers an excellent user experience across all devices.
  4. Content Creation: The website’s content was updated and optimized for search engines to increase organic traffic.
  5. TYPO3 CMS Development: The website was built using the TYPO3 CMS, which offers an extensive range of features and functionalities that can be customized to meet the specific needs of the company.
  6. Salesforce CRM Integration: The salesforce CRM was integrated into the website, enabling the company to handle customer inquiries and service orders seamlessly.


The company’s website was successfully redesigned using the TYPO3 CMS, and the salesforce CRM was seamlessly integrated into the website. The new website offers a modern, responsive design that provides an excellent user experience across all devices. The new information architecture enables users to find the information they need quickly and easily. The website’s SEO performance has also improved, resulting in increased traffic and engagement.


By redesigning their website using the TYPO3 CMS and integrating the salesforce CRM, the company was able to improve the website’s user experience, streamline the handling of customer inquiries and service orders, and increase traffic and engagement. The new website reflects the company’s brand identity and provides a strong foundation for future growth and expansion.

5 Proven Strategies to Determine Customer Needs and Grow Your Business

Image shows different puzzle pieces coming together, each representing a different approach for determining customer needs. This visually represents how each approach is important and how they fit together to form a complete picture of the customer's needs.

As an entrepreneur, determining the needs of your potential customers is critical for the success of your business. However, it can be challenging to figure out what your customers want, particularly if you’re relying solely on your internal team’s opinions or company structures. In this blog post, we’ll explore some approaches you can use to determine customer needs for your business independently.

  1. Conduct Market Research: One of the best ways to identify your customer needs is to conduct market research. This approach involves gathering information about your target market and analyzing their behaviors, preferences, and pain points. You can do this through surveys, focus groups, or online research. By understanding your customers’ needs, you can tailor your products or services to meet their expectations, and this can help you gain a competitive edge.
  2. Engage with your Customers: Another approach you can use is to engage directly with your potential customers. This can involve reaching out to them through social media, email, or other communication channels. You can ask them questions about their needs, preferences, and expectations. By actively listening to your customers, you can gain a deeper understanding of their needs and tailor your products or services to meet those needs.
  3. Analyze Competitor Strategies: Another way to determine customer needs is by analyzing your competitors’ strategies. By examining their products, services, and marketing techniques, you can identify gaps in the market that you can fill with your own unique offerings. This approach can also help you understand what your customers expect from your products or services, and you can use this information to develop your own strategies.
  4. Create Personas: Creating customer personas is another useful approach to determine customer needs. Personas are fictional representations of your target customers that help you understand their characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. By creating these personas, you can develop a deeper understanding of your customers and tailor your products or services to meet their specific needs.
  5. Track and Analyze Data: Finally, tracking and analyzing data can help you determine customer needs. This can involve using tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior on your website or social media platforms. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into what your customers are looking for, what they are interested in, and what they are willing to pay for. This information can help you tailor your products or services to meet their needs.

In conclusion, determining customer needs for your business is critical to its success. By using these approaches, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customers and develop products or services that meet their needs, thereby increasing your chances of success. Remember, it’s essential to be independent of company structures and sales opinions while determining customer needs.

Creating a Digital Service Community Platform for Industrial Robotics and Automation Company

Our project aims to create a digital service community platform for the service partners of a industrial robotics and automation company. The platform will enable seamless handling of service orders and customer inquiries, as well as provide a state-of-the-art community frontend for a better customer experience.

Project Objective

  1. Develop a digital service community platform for the company’s service partners.
  2. Integrate the Salesforce CRM system for seamless handling of service orders and customer inquiries.
  3. Implement state-of-the-art web technology like Angular for a modern and user-friendly frontend.
  4. Enhance customer experience by offering real-time support and a responsive user interface.
  5. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by providing a reliable and convenient service platform.

Project Methodology

  1. Research and analysis of the company’s service partners’ needs and requirements.
  2. Development of a digital service community platform that is user-friendly and intuitive.
  3. Integration of the Salesforce CRM system for efficient handling of service orders and inquiries.
  4. Implementation of state-of-the-art web technology like Angular to provide a modern and responsive frontend.
  5. Testing and quality assurance of the platform before deployment.
  6. Launch and post-launch support to ensure a smooth transition and successful adoption by service partners.

Project Deliverables

  1. A digital service community platform with a state-of-the-art frontend using Angular.
  2. Integration with Salesforce CRM system for efficient handling of service orders and inquiries.
  3. Real-time support and responsive user interface for enhanced customer experience.
  4. Seamless handling of all incoming service orders and customer inquiries within the company.
  5. Increased customer loyalty and satisfaction due to a reliable and convenient service platform.

Building a Successful Digitalization Team: Essential Skills and Job Titles

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are under increasing pressure to keep up with the latest digital trends and technologies to remain competitive. As a result, the role of a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) has become increasingly critical. A CDO is responsible for leading a company’s digital transformation, driving innovation, and ensuring that the company can keep pace with the latest technological developments.

However, leading a digital transformation requires more than just technical expertise. A CDO needs a team with a diverse set of skills, job titles, and personalities to help them succeed. As a generalist with knowledge across various fields of work, I understand that digitalization requires a range of skillsets, from technical expertise to project management and marketing skills.

Building a digitalization team from scratch and helping out on an hourly basis can be a challenging task. It requires an understanding of the skills and job titles necessary for a successful digital transformation and the personality traits required to work effectively in such a team. In the following sections, we will explore the skills and job titles necessary for a successful digitalization team and examine the personality traits that are particularly suited to working in such a team.

Skills and Job Titles in a CDO Team

  1. Digital Strategist: The digital strategist is responsible for developing and implementing digital strategies that align with the company’s overall business goals. They should be adept at analyzing data, identifying trends, and using insights to drive business growth.
  2. UX/UI Designer: A UX/UI designer ensures that digital products and services are easy to use, visually appealing, and meet customer needs. They should have strong design skills and be knowledgeable about user experience best practices.
  3. Data Analyst: Data analysts are responsible for gathering and analyzing data to provide insights that can inform business decisions. They should be proficient in data analysis tools and have a good understanding of statistics.
  4. Digital Marketer: The digital marketer is responsible for promoting products and services through digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization. They should be familiar with digital marketing tools and strategies.
  5. Technical Architect: The technical architect is responsible for designing and maintaining the technical infrastructure that supports digital products and services. They should have a strong understanding of software development, cloud computing, and network architecture.
  6. Project Manager: The project manager is responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of digital projects. They should be skilled at managing resources, mitigating risks, and communicating with stakeholders.

Personality Traits Suited to a CDO Team

  1. Innovative: A CDO team needs individuals who are creative and innovative in their thinking. They should be able to think outside the box and come up with new ideas that can drive the company’s digital transformation.
  2. Collaborative: Digital transformation is a team effort, and a CDO team needs individuals who can work collaboratively with others. They should be able to communicate effectively, share ideas, and work towards a common goal.
  3. Analytical: A CDO team needs individuals who can analyze data and extract insights that can inform business decisions. They should be able to work with data analysis tools and interpret complex data sets.
  4. Results-driven: A CDO team needs individuals who are focused on results and can work towards achieving measurable outcomes. They should be able to set goals, track progress, and adjust strategies as needed to achieve success.
  5. Adaptable: The digital landscape is constantly changing, and a CDO team needs individuals who can adapt to new technologies, trends, and challenges. They should be able to learn quickly, be open to change, and be flexible in their approach.

In conclusion, a successful digitalization team requires a mix of skills, job titles, and personalities that work together to drive digital transformation. By bringing together individuals with the right skills and personality traits, can this team lead their company towards success in the digital age.